The question is answered in a very personal way, so it´s not possible to be applied to everyone. Anyway if applied, could be a humble suggestion. Here we go:
1-Being an active player in the Internet (with a blog it´s really easy!);
2-Share my thoughts with the world;
3-Provide humour and interesting ideias to the public in general;
4-Share my travel pics with my friends;
5-Keep an updated file with jurisprudence that helps in my job, since it´s much more
easier to find it in my blog than find it in the rest of the Internet.
Well let me explain my personal point of view. I have three blogs write translate, Southasiabiz, and Asianbiz blogspot. Why I run these blogs? Simple, for money. I see internet as a source of making money. Second, I love to write. I have been writing since my senior years in university. I contributed in some of the major newspapers of Bangladesh and worked as an IT journalist for ten years. I have written more than two hundred articles and now blog has opened up a new horizon for me where I can write and earn money. What can be better than this!!!
ResponderExcluirI love your goals, it's so refreshing to see someone so focused on content and not on money!
ResponderExcluiri like blogging because, i want to share my thought, and my article, i read on your post you like to share your though too , cool
ResponderExcluirHave you ever thought of having complete English version of this blog? That might widen your audience. Being a bridge between cultures always adds something to the mix.